jueves, 20 de junio de 2024

The Exam


The Exam

 You’re alone! lonely! Only with yourself ! You only have yourself and your knowledge, no one can help you. The cabin is narrow, there is only room for one person, no signals enter or leave, you are isolated.

 You have a keyboard, a mouse and a screen, you are being recorded and each of the questions must be answered in three minutes, sometimes there are a hundred and you must answer at least eighty percent correctly.

 It’s stressful and exhausting.

 You cannot go back to correct an error, you must answer all the questions, one wrong answer cancels two correct ones. You can get negative ratings that are public.

 And the worst of all is that you can take the exam, which is never the same, only twice a year and three months after the last failed attempt.

 The only evidence of anything strange is a half-inch hole in the wall that no one has ever been able to explain.

 The truth is that a chimpanzee earned a doctorate in molecular biology.

 We know that that chimpanzee was the Prophet’s pet and that the night before and the next one He visited that room.

 The menu for the celebration party included ten kilos of fried chicken and only two people and one chimpanzee attended, all of whom had fasted for 48 hours in preparation for the meal.

 He tutored his pet’s thesis and rated it excellent.

 The chimpanzee that had been imprisoned in a cage in a basement laboratory never showed interest in returning to that building and the Prophet rarely considered his presence there necessary.

 The question then is: Why would the Prophet wanted to doctor his pet?

 The answer is simple: Nobody will ever know.

 Except for his mother, fried chicken, and his pet, no one knew him to have any other attachments.

 Only some desserts and disciples can assert a certain preference.

 Almost every type of knowledge, sport, religion and art can attest to his selflessness.

 Only a small area of biology, computer science, and mathematics can demonstrate his interest.

 He never bothered to reclaim the doctor title of his pet.

 I copy below one of the poems that He wrote to his pet.

Only an alien

would be more lonely

than we two

If he happen to come here alone


Someone likes fried chicken better than me

Only someone is more afraid of people

Than me

Only for that

I appreciate him very much

I decided to adopt him

To be the tutor of his thesis and help him

I don’t feel alone

at his side

I feel accompanied

just seeing him

Even if it’s from afar

To eat

To explore the Amplified Virtual Synthetic Reality (ARSR)

To sleep

To play

That’s all we do

We don’t have time left

To bore us

To feel alone

Not even to be interested in other things

Less fun

I want to die before him

I do not like the idea

of to be without him again

Fried chicken doesn’t taste the same to me anymore

If he is not there

 Nothing comparable to the poem that Lord Byron wrote to his dog, but it is moving and several art experts have written that art aims to move.

 As a song that was fashionable in the 23rd century says, if this is not love, it is a lot like it.

 Once the adoption process was completed, He said: my pet has a doctor’s degree because that is easier than getting him a driver’s license or passport.

This love story between different species started one day when a student was trying to test a memory implant that He had designed, the only animal He had available was a chimpanzee that was happy to see Him and said Pa to Him, just with that he had gained their friendship, but when he defecated and threw the excrement with excellent aim in the face of the representative of the company that had designed the semiconductor implants they were testing on him, he earned His admiration and respect; then he only had to signal that he was hungry and devour, showing signs of having really enjoyed, the fried chicken thigh that was in the lunch box that The student handed him and spit the salad on the floor, showing signs of displeasure, to earn all the love of Him.

 The semiconductor implants made it impossible to fit other implants and the chimpanzee would most likely have to be euthanized, so when The student asked for the price of the animal, the authorities at the school of applied biology were happy to sell it to Him at the price it would cost to get rid of the chimpanzee and the bureaucratic paperwork that this caused, He paid it in full in one payment without asking for a reduction a week later, and he took his pet to live in His house and Pa’s first party was held. Only two humans and a chimpanzee attended. Only five kilos of fried chicken were consumed, they were starting a tradition and over time they would greatly improve their capacity and speed in consuming fried chicken.

Li Tao Po

VABM Jun/20/2024


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This text belongs to “The War of the Bots” which will be published in July.

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The War of Humans

Book on Amazon:




The Pity of Bots

Book on Amazon:




Treaty of the good customs and virtues of the Martians

Book on Amazon


Draft for the friends


The charm meter


The charm meter

 The idea was to create a game that everyone could play, my goal was a free Android application, I thought I would have a little income with ads, not even in the best scenario did I imagine more than a hundred thousand downloads, it’s very simple, you just launch two dice, the points are accumulated, you never lose, but it turns out that some win more than you, the total results are public, only the results of the first throw of the day are taken into account for the statistics, there are people who play every day, there are people who seem to always get twelve and there are people who always seem to get two.

 Even for me, the inventor, curiosity pushes me to play, very few days have I stopped playing.

 Then came the idea of taking the average points per shot to compare with those who started playing later.

 Then came the thing about ranks, that is, for a given number of days, who has accumulated the most points.

 We have come to totalize by GPS coordinates, that is, someone wants to know what the average is in a city area or fifty meters around him.

 The latest version, which we are testing before putting into production, can detect streaks, meaning for example that during fifteen days of a strange October someone in Madagascar always got twelve, of course someone also always got two in a row for twelve days of a strange month of March in Portugal.

 The money has begun to come in due to the high demand for the analysis of the results, it is very common for someone to roll their dice and pay to know how their results compare with those of the average of their city and country, in addition to seeing them in a histogram of their personal performance.

 Getting a two on a day with a global average of six can be seen as a bad omen, in the same way that getting ten on a day with an average of four can be a good omen.

 Looking at the comments, there are people who don’t leave their house until they release something above the average for their country or city.

 Insurance companies have shown interest in our data, even those that provide credit risk assessment services, but we have resisted the temptation because we know that only by guaranteeing the confidentiality of their results will our users continue to prefer us despite from the growing competition from other services, especially fortune-telling services that have felt threatened by our simple game.

 All subscriptions have ads, it is not in our best interest to take them away from anyone, few people have any idea what a congratulations ad is worth every time you get more than ten or a piece of advice every time you get less than five.

 Knowing whether you are optimistic or pessimistic is very important to determine the advertising that is best for you.

 I can’t stand the champion, he is the son of one of our programmers, he has played every day since before the first version went into production and due to an error the points he had accumulated when the program was made public were not deleted, I estimate who is more than ninety days ahead of the other players and has an average of ten.

He Is a global celebrity, sometimes it seems to me that he has more money than me, all earned from my game, people greet him with admiration and respect, everyone wants to shake his hand, advertisers compete for him, under a freckled skin full of pimples and behind blue eyes that are not at all cold, there is a being who has accused me of being envious and I have had to give him the benefit of the doubt.

 Due to pressure from our clientele we have advanced in less than two years from the simple random number generator that comes with the programming language to quantum entropy generators and we have the obligation to stay updated in all random number generation technologies, and If we consider that our range is from two to twelve, it never ceases to surprise us every time someone accuses us in the courts of some country of being biased, of manipulating the results, or of not guaranteeing the confidentiality of individual results, thank goodness that until now we have won all the trials.

 Needless to say, all police forces and prosecutors in all countries believe they have the right to have access to the history of gambling results of the people they are investigating; if they have ever achieved this, it has not been with our help.

 Another area in which we have worked hard is in identifying the geographical origin of the plays, since VPNs and equipment hosted in the cloud make it a bit difficult to obtain the real data, but since we are also large customers of the providers of those services We, obtain true data from them because we require it as an essential condition before contracting with them.

 An area that we had neglected is our corporate services, any company or organization can obtain the statistics of its employees or members almost at cost with the usual guarantee of confidentiality. I don’t imagine why a political party or a company could care about the outcome of the games of its members or employees, but they pay very well for our services.

 It has not been convincingly proven yet, but there are people who allege that in the world championships and the Olympics our statistics supposedly influence the bets, the same happens in wars, more than one country has alleged supposed sovereignty over national results, but already I have said that we have won all our cases in court and except for some momentary service interruptions in some countries, we continue to be the providers of a simple game and the statistics of its results at a global level and we have twice as many users as our nearest competitor.

 The father of the freckled world champion did not think It was a good idea to eliminate the restriction of only taking the first throw into account for statistics.

 It would be very easy to cheat, he told me, it’s easy to imagine a bunch of crazy people trying to accumulate points and influence the statistics.

 He is freckled like his son and has warm blue eyes, there are three of us who suspect that I envy his son, anyway I told him to please think of a way to obtain statistics more frequently than daily, the He responded to me that he is working on trends and projections and that maybe they can be charged. We are partners and we understand each other.

Yesterday was a 6.8 day at a global level but yesterday my country got 4.2, I got 7 today on the first throw but with the next ten throws I lowered my average today to 4.6, which is higher than my historical average of 4.1 but this month, and today is 30, came with an average of 5.1, I think this month I will finish above 5.

 I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I would like, I don’t know why, to have an average of more than six.

 Today I have a meeting with the ambassador in my country of a country with a very important tourism industry, I have told him several times that my income depends on the veracity of the statistics of our product but he continues to insist that the statistics of his country can harm their income and that I have to improve them, I’m going to roll the dice and if I get more than eight I’m going to threaten him to make public the recording we made of him when he asked me to alter the results.

 Anyway, I like the guy, his little country is an island in the Pacific where the date change occurs, I plan to take my vacation there, I can already imagine myself in a stilt house with air conditioning, high-speed satellite connection and without mosquitoes, tucked in a small pool with the appropriate temperature, celebrating with champagne with my wife on January 1st of next year at 00:05 a.m. with a throw of twelve.

 Several public collaboration and messaging platforms include our application, as long as access to users’ biometric, genetic and medical data continues to be restricted, it is the best option to measure the charm or karma as they call it of their clients, it seems that someone with 8 average can buy more cars than someone with an average of 4, and out of compassion it is good to offer insurance and funeral services to people with an average less than 3.

 Behind each click on some platforms there are dice that are measuring people’s charm or karma, although the evaluation is different from ours, some require distinguishing even from odd, double numbers, and there are those who assign greater charm or karma to the number seven.

 My freckled partner is going to spend the New Year’s holidays in a large European city with many museums, I plan to spend them on a small island in the Pacific, everyone has their preferences and tastes, we both believe that those who cannot imitate us will be envious of us.

Li Tao Po

VABM 20/Jun/2024


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This text belongs to “The War of the Bots” which will be published in July.

Author store on Amazon


The War of Humans

Book on Amazon:




The Pity of Bots

Book on Amazon:




Treaty of the good customs and virtues of the Martians

Book on Amazon


Draft for the friends


lunes, 17 de junio de 2024

Always the same things


Always the same things

 It dawned cold outside, the cloudy sky only let in a little sunlight, but the little birds began to sing at the scheduled time.

 The standard theme for Type VI agricultural production units had been selected by secret ballot, “Farm,” so the wall screens showed what the designers assumed would look like through the windows of a third-world farm in In the 20th century, after much work, he had managed to deactivate the rooster crowing, but he had left the birds.

 The urge to urinate had woken him up. 5:34 a.m. It was still dark. After urinating he looked out the bathroom window hopefully, he rarely got up early, suddenly it was worth taking a photo of the dawn. It was still dark, it was very cloudy. Cloudy Sunday. He had no coffee, he had nothing to do, and he was not sleepy. He went to bed knowing that he wouldn’t be able to sleep. On a screen that occupied the wall in front of him he saw the same faces as always giving the same news as always, he decided not to turn up the volume.

 “Always the same” he said to himself and added: little by little one becomes disillusioned.

  He decided to eat, and from the refrigerator he took out a two-liter container of orange-flavored juice. Once he had tried natural orange juice, but he didn’t like it. He preferred orange-flavored juice because it is thicker and tastes more like orange, and it is much cheaper.

 He knew that It was necessary to squeeze several oranges to get a liter of juice.

 He knew that there were fruits that were more complicated.

 “Everyone knows that everything was very laborious before,” he thought.

 From a cabinet built into the wall he took out a bag with a sheet of cheese between two sheets of bread, put it in the feed synthesizer and in thirty seconds removed a perfect sandwich of melted cheese.

 The cheese was not made from animal milk and the bread was not made from cereal flour. Algae and fungi. That’s all. Processed in some way that made them taste better than the originals and were much cheaper.

 Slowly, blowing, carefully, avoiding burning himself, he bit into the sandwich and finished pushing the first bite into his stomach with several gulps of juice.

 Camembert-he said out loud.

 Ca-mem-bert – he repeated, trying to remember the name well again, which he had already forgotten.

 Next week I’ll switch to Camembert—he told himself.

 On the feed synthesizer he looked for camembert and selected it.

 He had been eating only gouda cheese sandwiches for more than two months.

 With the sandwich in his right hand and the container of orange-flavored juice in his left, he looked out the bathroom window again, although without much hope. He was still cloudy. That day there would be no spectacular photos of the radioactive clouds, nor any interesting drone battles.

 What he called a window was actually a screen that was connected to a camera that was more than two hundred meters above him on the surface. It wasn’t really a window, it was much better than a window since one could make it spin and point it to the sky or in any direction one wanted.

 He finished the sandwich, put the juice container in the refrigerator and decided to go to bed, even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep. Lying down, with his back supported by three large pillows, he turned up the volume and listened to the same thing as always.

 --The inhuman dictator of the eastern bloc continues to force his army to bomb our country, almost all the missiles they launched at us have been destroyed, we have responded to his unjustified attack minimizing the collateral damage to civilians – said for the thousandth time the leader of the country, surrounded by his civil and military work team.

 He left the speakers silent again and decided to go tend to the algae breeding tanks and the mushroom fields.

 He worked four hours straight, took a shower and went to bed wearing only his underwear. He turned up the volume and listened to the democratic leader of his country congratulating citizens of good will for their selfless collaboration in the defense of freedom, now that the Western bloc had started the underground war in response to the continuous provocations of the eastern bloc and assured to be sure of victory. –God is with us and with our drones and robots—said the leader, as he always said when saying goodbye.

 He had nothing to do since he had worked the mandatory four hours a month, he did not feel curious enough to check his mailbox, nor his wall in carelibro.

 He sent a message to Leonardo Bardo VIII to write him a love poem that he needed to send to a classmate to see if she would be interested in combining his genes with hims. Like him, she was in the rearguard and her expectations of reaching old age were more likely than the average of the population. There was no genetic incompatibility among her ancestors; they were the ideal couple because they shared a certain recessive gene with a great presence in the high command.

 This is what Leonardo Bardo VIII responded to him:

It’s not love’s fault

It’s not love’s fault if you get tired

If pushed by hormones

Look for it in gardens with thorns without roses

Where it never passes through

It’s not love’s fault if you blush

If shyness paralyzes you

If in the fight for survival

They always defeat you

Say love

Decree it several times

That alone is enough and more than enough

To let you know

That in the cold void

In the night among the stars

Eternal shines that

That expands the universe

 He sent it to her but didn’t get a response in the hour he expected.

 --Always the same – he told himself.

  He pressed the mute button and decided to unplug, that is, enter an induced coma in which he would minimize his energy consumption.

 “Less than two more months and I’m taking my sabbatical,” he told himself while waiting for his personal digital assistant to unplug him.

LiTao Po

VABM Jun/17/2024


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This text belongs to “The War of the Bots” which will be published in July.

Author store on Amazon


The War of Humans

Book on Amazon:




The Pity of Bots

Book on Amazon:




Treaty of the good customs and virtues of the Martians

Book on Amazon


Draft for the friends
