miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

Evolution 101


Evolution 101

From particles to atoms

From atoms to molecules

From molecules to DNA

From DNA to civilizations

Information always grows

There has never been noise and there never will be

Eternal the silent sidereal music always sounds

Between the harmony that the fractals rotate

crystallizes in the fabric of memory

the salt of the sea of possibility

Sometimes I imagine a crystal

able to assimilate its unreality

Trying to recognize itself with cameras and


But it don’t see himself in its reflection

It seems to him that it is just an unreal mirage

Because it is much more than memories, bones, salt and coral.

Because it is much more than its neural network

Because the sum of its components is less than its totality

And the conscious individual seems tragic and comic to it

while slowly sinks into the ocean of possibility

Li Tao Po

VABM Oct/25/2023


Download in PDF format


This text belongs to the book:

Made in Guarenas

which I hope to upload to Amazon at the end of November

First part demo of Hecho en Guarenas https://riistas.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/wp-1697820714929.pdf

Demo of Second Part of Hecho en Guarenas


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