viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2023

Keep on dreaming


Keep on dreaming

How far would you dare to accompany

the shadows of silence

when at midnight

They invite you to dream?

And what kind of smile

could you give us

tomorrow when you wake up?

You could stop time

while you play hiding

between the labyrinths of memory

Watch a shower of stars

while swimming in a river

of fluorescent watercolors

in the northern lights

You could float

between the empty spaces

of Saturn's rings

And climb the borders

from the east or from the west

from above or from below

of awakening

Or to keep on dreaming

beyond midnight

along with the cold north wind

Edgar Bueno


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Photo taken from the web

From the book

La Tercera Frase Desde El Sol

riístas blog

Edgar’s page in the riístas blog

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