Birds Factory
It was destroyed long before I was born, I know that a great-great-grandfather of mine worked here and had a management position. In the Augmented Virtual Synthetic Reality (AVSR) it is easy to study it, like almost everything.
This is where the raw material arrived, from here the product came out:
Electric cars: almost automatic, almost mechanical, almost bots, almost cheap, almost everything, except free, after the regulations.
More than fifty thousand humans and countless machines and bots did what was necessary here so that almost all customers felt proud to be one and so that almost everyone wanted to be a customer.
Cars killed millions, or rather: inexperienced and irresponsible humans killed millions of people using manually controlled cars.
With electric cars, the first attempts were made to improve the human capacity to drive something that can move at a hundred miles per hour.
It is obvious now, but at the time it seemed dangerous to try to automate private personal transport, but all it took was to use the bots that automated public transport.
I am walking among rusty rails, seeing broken windows, door less portals and expensive and powerful machines turned into scrap metal.
It is a grey and cold day, as it has been almost every day for the last fifty years.
The ruins are depressing, like all corpses, they are frightening.
Something that was is no longer, and probably something dear has been lost.
One assumes some glory, greatness or splendor that has been lost forever.
One does not know if the winner, who was undoubtedly stronger, was the best, was right, or was fairer than the loser, but one has no other alternative than to accept it without boasting too much, out of caution and courtesy, because only the survivors leave descendants and one is alive.
In the lives of many people this plant was something very important.
In old 2D videos you can see strikes, machines, bots and people working together and celebrating.
You can see the importance of the birds factory in their lives in the way people acted.
They were all very busy, they were doing something that they thought was very important.
I have no doubt that many people were happy here or at least they were so busy that they had no time to face their unhappiness.
I have been coming here for a long time. I used to come here to play and explore with my friends. I am a old man now, now I come here to rest. If I lived near a forest I would surely go there, but the only “wild” place without many people that I have nearby are these ruins.
I almost never got bored, I almost had always discovered something that I found interesting.
The steel furnaces, the corridors of the offices of the administrative building, the machines, the warehouses. I have investigated almost everything with curiosity and a desire to learn.
Almost everyone knows about the high radiation nuclear devices (bombs that only kill people) and the electromagnetic pulse devices (bombs that only kill bots) that destroyed it, about the cleaning lasers and the robots that removed the radioactive debris to make it habitable again, about the plagues during the humans war and the blackouts during the bots war, as well as the always failed attempts to get the factory up and running again.
What only I and almost all my friends know is why we call it the birds factory and it is precisely to explain that that I am telling this story.
Once when I was eight years old, looking for mutant butterflies and radioactive fireflies I found a bird's nest among the ruins of the paint shop. There were five eggs.
I took them home, nest and all, and covered them with my dirty clothes. Almost all of them hatched. My mother contacted the authorities when she saw me trying to feed four sparrow chicks with crumbs from my breakfast.
The entire current world population of black-legged sparrows, which are almost all the birds left on the planet, descend from those four chicks, and almost all of them live in the birds factory.
Because of that, there are very few of us who can physically enter these ruins.
I think that is why almost all citizens always vote against projects to put the birds factory back into operation.
I think that stories must have a moral. The conclusion I draw from all this is that no one knows the final result of their efforts because all living beings in the universe are interconnected and acting to achieve what they believe will give them happiness, even insects, and that victories and defeats are not definitive, but are like phases of cycles.
Until now, the existence of the birds factory has been kept secret and in the AVSR this area is marked as uninhabitable, but because a very powerful group of investors finds attractive the idea of cloning birds using state funding and has detected an opportunity to increase global happiness by automating bird production, I propose with this text to communicate my concern and warn them this: I would not cut a single blade of grass without first considering the interests of other plants and animals, and of course those of birds.
For Edgar
Li Tao Po
VABM 9/Ene/2025
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